Manners it seems have flown out the door.
People are rude to each other, what's more.
I say let's invite all our good conduct back,
Say hello to each other, let's get back on track.
Here it all is and it's well worth repeating...
Like saying something that's close to a greeting!
How about on your way out, holding open the door,
For the stranger with the package, and children and more.
Could you smile a big smile at all the strangers you meet,
Then see how it spreads through the crowd, through the street.
Saying "Thank you" and "Please" and other nice words,
Might make this a better place, if only you've heard.
Say "Hello" to the girl at the grocery stores stand,
You'll make her day and it goes hand in hand...
The smile that she gives you as you leave her store,
The very next customer will get a bit more.
Spread the news let them hear,
It's about love and good cheer.
It's about giving and seeing,
And seeing is believing,
That the best of us all is well worth receiving!
P. Contreras